Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Space Creation"

" He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. 
 Great is our Lord and mighty in power.  
His understanding has no limit."
 ~ Psalm 147:4 & 5

The "Illustration Friday" word this week was "Space".  This is my own example for a fun art project I do with elementary school students.  I love how every child's creation is so different and how much fun they have making their "universes".  I can just imagine God enjoying making...and even naming...each part of His beautiful creation!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sewing Satisfaction!

My challenge this week was self imposed. After not being able to reach a costume designer in time for Brooke to take a white costume with her to China, I decided to try to make her one myself. It was the first time I've tried to do it in these 9 years that Brooke has done twirling. Her coach donated the supplies, and I got a nice discount on the leo. With the reminder from last week that God helps me in even the seemingly small areas of my life, I asked Him that He would help with the making of this costume on the deadline I had as well. And of course He did! I feel as though He blessed me over and above what I was expecting. I don't even care if she wears it for the pictures, I am just happy with the satisfaction of a job completed.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Blessings from a Swamp!

The word for the the blog "Illustration Friday" this week was SWAMP.
In Daniels' vision in Ezekiel, even the swamps would be a blessing by producing the salt that would be needed in a perfect world. It's a reminder to us that God's blessings are often small and may often come from surprising places.

When I visited the Okefenokee Swamp, I was really wanting to get a picture of a dragonfly. The problem was, they were so fast that every picture I took turned out poorly. As it was getting late, I was ready to give up. Before I did, however, I sent up a quirky little prayer to the Lord asking for this silly little thing. You know the type of prayer..."Lord, I know how silly this little prayer is, but I sure would love to get a picture of a dragonfly."...And yes, just to remind me once again that no prayer goes unheard no matter how small, the Lord saw fit to immediately cause a beautiful dragonfly to land on a twig right next to me AND STAY THERE for as many pictures as I wanted to take. I actually finished and started walking away before the dragonfly flew away! How grateful I am that our Lord reminds us often and in so many ways that He is always with us.

Ezekiel 47:10-12~ 10 Fishermen will stand beside the sea. From Engedi to Eneglaim it will be a place for the spreading of nets. Its fish will be of very many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea.11 But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they are to be left for salt. 12 And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”

Friday, March 16, 2012

Work of Art Season 2: Week 8 (Studio Collection)

On the final episode on the TV Show, the contestants were to put together a collection of their artwork that they would show at a gallery. I didn't get around to doing this. This project is also... TO BE CONTINUED!